Thu 02 Jan
✨✨🌟 100% Must See 🌟 GORGEOUS PETITE PLAYMATE 🌟✨✨ 💯 Real UpscAle 🌟 AVAILABLE NOW - - - - - 25
(Chicago, City of Chicago, Your place)
Night time is the Right time for a delightful time and Daytime is Playtime all im missin is you! - 30
(120th /westminster)
💋💋 NEW IN TOWN ☆ ──💋💋 Gorgeous Asian Model ──💋💋 Classy Brunette ☆ ° ☆ LISA 💋💋 OUTCALL - 23
(Boulder, Boulder Outcall)
madisOn's heRe tO briNg yOu hOLidaY chEEr! 315-269-6757 - 24
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, utica and surrounding)
**{°°}** Delicious & Delightful >< Summers Finest Treat **{°°}** - 21
(Arvada, Aurora, Boulder, Boulder and surrounding, Brighton, Broomfield, Castle Rock, Centennial, City of Denver, Denver, Littleton, Parker, Thornton)
§exy & Classy YOUNG brunette sweetheart ~Avaliable NoW~ ** OUTCALL** - 20
(Orlando, ORLANDO, FL (outcalls))
*** DESIRABLE LaTina * SpiCy BlonD *** BIG BUTT EXQUISITE GiRls ___ Fun GIRLS - 22
°°°★°°° E—V—E—R—Y °°°★°° M—A—N—S °°★°° F—A—N—T—A—S—Y °°★°° BrUneTTe ♥ ♥ - 21
(Orlando, Orlando and surrounding areas)
:¦: :¦:L O O K :¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA: :¦:LOVE:¦: :ME :¦: :¦: - 21
(SW Incall/ Outcalls)
______________ Busty Beautiful Brunette ________________ - 31
(Boulder, Denver, Ft Collins, Longmont Boulder, Westminster)
CURVY & BuSty 36DD'S Hot LATINA ~ BiG Booty ~~ PeTiTe GorGeoUs BRUNETTE ~~ Party GiRls ~ HOT !!!
Daytime Night time Anytimes Play time/ Outcalls &Incalls; all night!! 75special!! - 30
(Your place in near or around Denver)
Dimes All the Time Escorts New Girls Call Now 7865064729 Incall & Outcall 100% Real Pics - 24
(North Miami Beach, North Miami Beach / Doral)
(¯`'• ♥ •'´¯) DELICIOUSLY hott!!! Brunette BombSHELL - KARMA (¯`'• ♥ •'´¯)AMAZING A.S.S-303-671-5511 - 27
(Boulder, Denver, Denver/Colorado Springs)
_____ •✿•__ {{ Erotic & Playful!! }} __•✿•__ {{ VISITING! }} __•✿• __ {{ GREAT Rates!! }} __•✿• ____ - 36
(Orlando, ◆◆◆ ◆◆◆ ORLANDO & SURROUNG ◆◆◆ ◆◆◆)
*~*~Angel ((Naturally Busty))) ~*~* Beautiful Brunette - Classy & Fun!!! - 26
(Boulder, Denver and Surrounding Areas outcall)
ATTN: Boulder/ Westminster/ Broomfield/ Thornton/ North Denver ***Mia*** Call For A Remarkable TIme. - 21
(Incall:Westminster/Outcall-Your Place)
👯👙👠↪Killer Curves 💜💙💛 BEAUTY, BOOTY& BRAINS all in One❕ 👑EXOTIC Brunette💘INCALL SPECIALS📣 - 22
(Houston, Incall- HOBBY *Outcall avail evrywhr)
Kiss Me an I Kiss back! 36DD Bootylicious brunette! specials!!! - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, INCALLS/OUTCALLS)
Kiss me now Busty & Lusty Late night pleasure provider Charlie of Houston - 26
(Houston, galleria and surrounding area 24/7)
KIM -- 832-880-3779 -- OUTCALL -- ultra sexy brunette -- smokin' hot body -- gorgeous face - 22
—H —I —G —H —L—Y ——T—A —L —E—N —T—E—D ——♥——H —O—T {{ BrUneTTe }} - 28
(Birmingham, HWY280 IN-CaLLs OR OuT-CaLLs)
⎷;*¨ -:¦:- Brazilian* E X O T I C ☁ ☀☁ P L A Y M A T E*¨* -:¦:-*⎷ - 21
(Miami GREAT INCALL !!!!)
Smokin Hot Petite Brunette & sexy petite friend loves to play 2gether & with U! - 40
(Ft Lauderdale, North Broward)
Beautiful Brunette Beauty InTown Ready For You Call 321-805-9370 - 24
(Orlando, Orlando. InCall OutCall)
Beautiful Brunnette Call Girl In Town this Morning!! Safe Incall. Call Now (321)-805-9370) - 24
(Orlando, Orange Blossom. Trail/ Orlando)
🎀🎀Beautiful Brunette Bombshell!🎀🎀 🌴🌷 Your Fantasy Girl🍒🌸 4072181508 🌺 Incall/Outcall - 24
(Orlando, International Drive)
•• ✺ •• [INCALL SPECIAL] •• ✺ •• [N] [E] [W] •• ✺ •• Brunette Babe!! Available now! - 23
(Houston, Northwest Incall)
Beautiful THICK n JUICY brunette in need of some company "2 girl special" Available now. - 29
(Orlando, International dr and kirkman area)
-:¦:-° BeAuTiFuL -:¦:-°-:¦:-° Super SeXy -:¦:-°-:¦:-° cLaSsY -:¦:-°-:¦:-° Italian BoMbSheLl - 24
♥★♣ Bombshell Brunette ♥★♣ LETS MEET RIGHT NOW ♥★♣ $80/$100 SPECIALS ;) - 22
(Miami, Okeechobee Rd. INCALLS Only)
IN calls only 😏🐱😜 sweet petite brunette!!!! Look no further best in town 💜😉 - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, North Houston)
♥SEXY ♥SaSHa ♥INCaLL / OUT CALL♥ CoMe OvEr♥NoW Sexy♥Brunette ♥ ♥954-589-6484 - 27
(Ft Lauderdale, HOLLYWOOD AREA)
★ SuPeR sExY ★ GoRgEoUs bRuNeTTe ★ cLaSSy PrOviDeR ★ 100 Specials - 19
(Tulsa, Tulsa Incall OFF 244 & Sheridan)
Sexy lil Cuban hottie!! super busty and very open mined!!_..!_!_ come over n play with me ;) - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, commiercial & university)
AUBREY💜✨BUSTY & TIGHT ▆▓▓ HOT BRunette✨✨ ▓▓▆▃❤✨YOUNG SEXY💋PLAYMATE ❇real pics ❤▆✨💜✨💜 - 20 - 2 - 22
(Orlando, all of orlando outcalls)
** SeXy SLuTTy BrUnEttE! ** Ex-GyMnAST VeRy FLeXiBLe! ** SmOkiN HoT BoDy! ** - 23
★★ ★★ ☆_T H €_P € R F € C T_ •☆•_C H O i C €___ B_-R_U_N_E_T_T _E ___B_O__M__B __S__H__E__L__L __ ★ - 20
(Boston/Camb/Brook, ★Incalls COPLEY/BACK BAY (Sexy Brunette))
[AVAiLABLE RiGHT NOW! *] SuPeR Hot * *REaL PiCS!. (*PeTiTe *) Brunette DoLL !* - 24
:: ATTENTION :: Riley Rivera * Super Busty, All Natural 38Fs * -- Sensual & Passionate Experience - 21
SeXy BruNeTTe w/ SmoKiN HoTT RaTeS- FaThErS dAy SpEcIaLs! CaLL NoW 2 ScHeDuLe YoUr DaTe! - 23
You NEED to L💋💋K AT This 🎀 CLaSSy 👑 Sexy 💄 Erotic Brunette 👠💋♏ - 25
(Cape Cod, incall (Bourne) / outcall)